What about civilians?

            Hi guys!

            I think everyone know what is happening in Ukraine. I was thinking that I would see war only in movies and games. I must say that I also a little bit scared, cause my country borders with Ukraine. What is worst? Me and my boyfriend lives near Polish-Ukrainian border. We know, what soldiers are doing in the war, but what about civilians? Many games just avoid that topic and for me it’s bad move. Lets change that!

Sekurak pomaga Ukrainie i razem z twórcami This War of Mine rozdaje grę

            When I think about war games, the first game I can see is “This War of Mine”. It’s Polish game about civilians who are trying to survive in a besieged city. They can’t fight well. They have problems with finding food, water and medicines. But still, they have will to survive.

            We start in destroyed shelter with few people. It’s not much, but for them it’s only place they can live. We are trying to repair that place as much as we can. Sometimes our decisions what to do can be really hard to accept, but, you know, that is how war works. During the day we can’t do much, cause snipers never sleep… At least until sun is on the sky. That is the reason why our most risky actions we have to do at night.

This War of Mine na Steam

            When we look at visual side of the game I must say it’s very climatic. Seriously, it looks so gloomy and sad, whats perfectly reflect thinking of our characters. They scared, cause they don’t know if they will survive until tomorrow. Music is also pretty good and can make you sad, even if you don’t want to.

            What can I say? War is a bi*ch and they know it in Ukraine. This game can be some kind of reflection of what people in that country are going through. We should help them and stop that fight! You know, everyone have right to live, right?
